Ulbrichts for your safety.


ULBRICHTS ballistic helmet ZENTURIO VPAM 6 Protection against AK47 rifle threats

The protection of emergency forces in urban and tactical environments is constantly facing new challenges. In particular, protection against rifle threats, such as those posed by civilian Kalashnikov AK-47 weapons, is of central importance.


THE ZENTURIO C1300H successor is here – ZENTURIO VPAM6

The new ZENTURIO with genuine VPAM6 protection against rifles such as the AK47


ULBRICHTS presents the ZENTURIO VPAM 6 series helmet at Enforce Tac 2025

ULBRICHTS Protection, a leader in the development of ballistic head protection, will be presenting the new ZENTURIO VPAM 6 helmet at Enforce Tac 2025 in Nuremberg from February 24 to 26, 2025. Visit us at stand 7A-129 to experience the latest protection technology up close.


ULBRICHTS Protection presents the boltless OPTIO helmet with protection beyond NIJ IIIA at the Shot Show 2023

ULBRICHTS Protection will be joining an incredible list of more than 2,000 exhibits at the 2023 SHOT Show® at The Venetian Expo and Caesars Forum in Las Vegas to make this year’s show a BIG DEAL.


ULBRICHTS Protection makes true head protection for soldiers

At the Eurosatory international defense technology fair, which starts today in Paris, ULBRICHTS Protection will focus on Effective Head Protection for Soldiers. At its newly designed stand (5H/451), the market and technology leader for ballistic helmets in the police sector will be demonstrating that true protection against projectiles and fragments is also possible for military requirements.


ULBRICHTS Protection is presenting numerous innovations at the Enforce Tac trade fair in Nuremberg

The new version of the SEK helmet ZENTURIO offers effective standalone protection against rifle threats (VPAM 6)
VPAM-3 HVN helmets are significantly lighter for dynamic use
A completely updated design with new technical features across the entire product range


ULBRICHTS Protection at the Milipol trade fair in Paris

True protection saves lives – Ulbrichts helmets do not just stop handgun and rifle ammunition, they also prevent a severe backface deformation leading to lethal brain trauma – see an touch at our booth: 5J 064


Ballistic head protection reached a new level

At the IDEX 20021 Ulbrichts shows its newly developed helmet systems against rifle ammunition. Protection against rifle ammunition is very important because in terroristic attacks and shootings, the attackers most of the time use rifles, not handguns.


Großauftrag für ULBRICHTS Protection: Faceshield aus Schwanenstadt bei Lebensmitteleinzelhändler gelistet

Das Faceshield von ULBRICHTS Protection ist derzeit bei einer großen deutschen Handelskette erhältlich. Mit der vereinbarten Bestellung über 40.000 Faceshields und 30.000 Ersatzvisiere sichert sich das Unternehmen aus Schwanenstadt einen wichtigen Großauftrag. Der bekannte Discounter hat das Gesichtsschild im Rahmen einer Aktion in sein Sortiment aufgenommen.


Neuentwickeltes Faceshield: Corona-Schutz ab sofort über eigenen Online-Shop bestellbar

Das neuentwickelte Gesichtsschild von ULBRICHTS Protection ist ab sofort über einen eigens eingerichteten Webshop bestellbar. Damit richtet sich der Hersteller von Kopfschutz-Systemen erstmals direkt an Endkunden. Interessenten finden das Angebot unter: www.ulbrichts-faceshields.com


New development: face shield reduces risk of coronavirus spreading and infection

ULBRICHTS Protection has developed a face shield* that reduces the risk of coronavirus spreading and infection. The new product offers people from different professions who cannot, or cannot permanently, maintain the necessary safe distance of at least 1.5 metres additional protection against infection from droplets or smears. It can be worn alone or in combination with a mouth-nose mask, depending on the needs or situation. Glasses can also be worn without any hindrance.


ULBRICHTS Protection presents the ballistic headgear of the future at the Milipol trade fair in Paris

From 19.11. until 22.11.2019, experts from ULBRICHTS Protection will present the next generation of ballistic helmets at Milipol in Paris, the leading international trade fair for security technology. The next generation is characterised not only by its superior level of protection, but also its significantly reduced weight.


Kronen Zeitung: “Taufpate” und Schutzengel

Die Kronen Zeitung Oberösterreich hat uns bei der Ulbrichts GmbH besucht und eine wirklich tolle Geschichte geschrieben.


Die Presse: Besser werden, um gut zu bleiben!

47 oberösterreichische Firmen haben sich in der Beilage “Industrieland Oberösterreich” in der österreichischen Tageszeitung “Die Presse” vorgestellt. Eine davon ist die Firma Ulbrichts. Wir sind sehr froh und stolz, gemeinsam mit den anderen Firmen aus Oberösterreich einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Standort und zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Region zu leisten.


ULBRICHTS Protection delivers innovative titanium helmets to police in North Rhine-Westphalia

Protective effect even against Kalashnikovs: ULBRICHTS Protection is supplying the police in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) with ballistic titanium helmets. The state government in NRW’s capital Dusseldorf wanted to ensure that the emergency services enjoyed the highest level of security and made a choice for the helmet which offers the maximum ballistic protection on the market.


Kalashnikov helmet in live shooting test

ULBRICHTS Protection demonstrated a new level of protection with ballistic helmets in a live shooting test at the X Special Forces Workshop in Güstrow. The lightest VPAM-6 head protection provides effective protection against the most vulnerable frontal head and face area with residual energy values of under 25 joules – even against very powerful iron core ammunition.


ULBRICHTS Protection has a strong presence at Eurosatory trade fair

The Austrian specialist helmet manufacturer ULBRICHTS Protection will be represented twice at the Eurosatory international trade fair in Paris. From 11.06. until 15.06.2018, the European market leader for bulletproof titanium helmets will be present both at the booth of its French sales partner UNITIVE (Hall 6 Stand K48), a subsidiary of the Etienne Lacroix Group, and at the joint stand of Austrian Economic Chambers WKO (Hall 5A Stand G388).


New development: Titanium helmet with forehead shield protects against Kalashnikovs

ULBRICHTS Protection is presenting the first effective VPAM-6 head protection worldwide at the 10th GPEC General Police Equipment Exhibition & Conference in Frankfurt am Main from 20.02.2018 until 22.02.2018. This new protection level is achieved by combining a Titanium helmet (VPAM 3 or VPAM 4+) with a forehead shield. The shield strengthens the helmet shell in the especially vulnerable frontal head area. This system is capable of stopping a projectile from a Kalashnikov and minimising projectile energy so that the helmet wearer is likely to survive the attack.


New breakthrough: Titanium helmet protects policemen against bullets for the first time

ULBRICHTS Protection presents an innovation in the field of police helmets: a titanium ballistic helmet for operational use/hundred-man squads called “OPTIO”. In addition to the usual protection against knocks, stabs and projectiles, the OPTIO also offers effective protection against shots from a handgun (VPAM 2) for the first time. The OPTIO is thus the first helmet of its kind because a 9 x 19 mm Parabellum round can shoot clean through the helmets currently available to officers.


ULBRICHTS Protection supplies titanium helmets to Austrian police

The Austrian police has opted for the innovative titanium concept from ULBRICHTS Protection in Schwanenstadt (Upper Austria). The specialised helmet manufacturer won a Europe-wide tender. Both the Austrian patrolman and the members of the COBRA elite unit now have the best ballistic head protection available.


Federal states rely on ballistic titanium helmets for patrolmen

12 of the 16 German federal states have decided to procure ballistic protective helmets for patrolmen. About 90 percent of the helmets are made by the Austrian expert for ballistic titanium helmets ULBRICHTS Protection. State interior ministers and police chiefs have publicly presented ULBRICHTS titanium helmets as part of their protection concepts in recent weeks. Other federal states are currently examining the procurement of ballistic helmets for use on patrol.


Ballistic titanium helmets by ULBRICHTS Protection now also protect patrolmen in Hamburg

ULBRICHTS Protection supplies ballistic titanium helmets to the police of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. After careful market research, the decision was made for a helmet made of titanium, which was developed and manufactured by the Austrian specialist ULBRICHTS Protection.


Titanium helmets by ULBRICHTS Protection now part of new anti-terrorist equipment at Hessian police

ULBRICHTS Protection has delivered a total of 850 titanium helmets to the Hessian police. The HOPLIT C ballistic protective helmets have the same construction as the ZENTURIO TSO S, are certified in accordance with VPAM 3 or VPAM 4, and are part of the anti-terrorist equipment presented by the Hessian Ministry of the Interior in Wiesbaden on 22.04.2016.

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